J-5 SAIYAN DAY ! 50 PHASES ?! FESTIVAL DE COMBATS ! [DBZ DOKKAN BATTLE] JohnJoTV DragonBall DBZ DBGT DBS Passion JohnJoodan Naruto Bleach Français LIVE 310 viewers
VAMOS A COMPLETAR EL EVENTO MAS DIFICIL DEL JUEGO |Comandos: !creator - !sus - !unidades - !followage| ValianYoutube Español DokkanBattle DokkanBattle DokkanValian Summons 10AniversarioDokkan LRSuperVegito LRGOGETA PARTE210ANIVERSARIO LIVE 55 viewers
SIAMO PRONTI A 2 ORE DI RUN??? NUOVO EVENTO PIÙ PALLOSO | !sub - !command Elassi0 anime Italiano dokkanbattle LIVE 39 viewers
C'EST QUOI CE NIVEAU ???? DOKKAN BATTLE ! midouuu7 db dbz dbgt dbs daima goku vegeta gohan Français LIVE 34 viewers
50 Phases of Swag | Dokkan | !commands Jugesters mature chill fun anime chatting gaming DBZ DragonBall English LIVE 22 viewers
Challenge the Limits! Festival of Battles! 🎉(39/51 LR EZA's) 🔥 !yt !discord YusufTBS English justchatting Deutsch LIVE 17 viewers
Aide, conseil et discussion sur Dragon Ball Dokkan battle Elmikox dragonball dokkan goku Fortnite efootball Français fun DBZ DBGT GT LIVE 4 viewers
Evento più difficile di Dokkan? NUN TE TEMO | Comandi: !social !discord !iddokkan !sub !prime nikoooo75_ Italiano ita italia obiettivo dokkanbattle dokkanbattleglobal 10thanniversarysummon LIVE 4 viewers
WE ARENT ENDING TIL WE BEAT THIS DOKKAN EVENT RAHHH (or until the boys call me for lethal) lll !discord lll !sr lll !guild lll !youtube Kxkarot_ Anime ranked competitive rankedmatches gaming grind chill English LIVE 1 viewers
The last teq ui main - thedrjaden Goku English pvpandhardestdifficulty Godofstories Gogeta Ultrainstinct LIVE 1 viewers